WP2 Requirements & System Design
The main purpose of this WP is to prepare the ground for the research and development tasks. WP2 will define the scenarios and the requirements of the particular applications thus setting the goals that ACCORDION needs to achieve, while in parallel, defining its success criteria. Due to the research nature of the project, this WP will also deal with the detailed analysis of the research challenges, providing a roadmap for tackling them and explicitly stating the baseline work that will be used. In the same context, in order to facilitate the needs of some data-driven research tasks, this WP will attribute resources into analyzing and collecting data that will be used for experimentation and evaluation purposes. In summary, the WP2 objectives are:
- Define the end-user functional and non-functional requirements.
- Identify and prepare a roadmap for tackling the research challenges.
- Collect and analyze domain data for experimentation.
- Define the system architecture and specifications in accordance with the user needs.